Auth API リファレンス
Auth API は、Momento サービスの API キーとトークンを作成および管理します。これらの認証メカニズムは、1つ以上のキャッシュやトピックスへのアクセスを許可するために、1つ以上のパーミッションを持つようにスコープすることができます。
AuthClient Methods
Generates a new Momento auth token with the specified permissions and expiry.
- scope - PermissionScope: 新しいトークンに付与するパーミッション。PermissionScopeオブジェクトはSDKによって提供されます。
- expiresIn - Number | ExpiresIn object: ExpiresIn.never()
: string - 新しい認証トークンrefreshToken
: string - RefreshApiKey API](#refreshapikey)で使用できるリフレッシュトークンで、トークンの有効期限が切れる前にリフレッシュしますendpoint
: string - Momento クライアントがリクエストを行う際に使用する HTTP エンドポイントexpiresAt
: Timestamp - トークンの有効期限が切れるタイムスタンプ
- See response objects for specific information.
- JavaScript
- Go
// Generate a token that allows all data plane APIs on all caches and topics.
const allDataRWTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(AllDataReadWrite, ExpiresIn.minutes(30));
switch (allDataRWTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated an API key with AllDataReadWrite scope!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${allDataRWTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refresh token starts with: ${allDataRWTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${allDataRWTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with AllDataReadWrite scope: ${allDataRWTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${allDataRWTokenResponse.toString()}`
// Generate a token that can only call read-only data plane APIs on a specific cache foo. No topic apis (publish/subscribe) are allowed.
const singleCacheROTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(
switch (singleCacheROTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated an API key with read-only access to cache foo!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${singleCacheROTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refresh token starts with: ${singleCacheROTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${singleCacheROTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with single cache read-only scope: ${singleCacheROTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${singleCacheROTokenResponse.toString()}`
// Generate a token that can call all data plane APIs on all caches. No topic apis (publish/subscribe) are allowed.
const allCachesRWTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(
switch (allCachesRWTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated an API key with read-write access to all caches!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${allCachesRWTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refresh token starts with: ${allCachesRWTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${allCachesRWTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with all caches read-write scope: ${allCachesRWTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${allCachesRWTokenResponse.toString()}`
// Generate a token that can call publish and subscribe on all topics within cache bar
const singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(
TokenScopes.topicPublishSubscribe({name: 'bar'}, AllTopics),
switch (singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated an API key with publish-subscribe access to all topics within cache bar!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refresh token starts with: ${singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with read-write scope for all topics in a single cache: ${singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${singleCacheAllTopicsRWTokenResponse.toString()}`
// Generate a token that can only call subscribe on topic where_is_mo within cache mo_nuts
const oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(
TokenScopes.topicSubscribeOnly('mo_nuts', 'where_is_mo'),
switch (oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated an API key with subscribe-only access to topic where_is_mo within cache mo_nuts!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refresh token starts with: ${oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with read-write scope for single topic in a single cache: ${oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${oneCacheOneTopicRWTokenResponse.toString()}`
// Generate a token with multiple permissions
const cachePermission1 = {
role: CacheRole.ReadWrite, // Managed role that grants access to read as well as write apis on caches
cache: 'acorns', // Scopes the access to a single cache named 'acorns'
const cachePermission2 = {
role: CacheRole.ReadOnly, // Managed role that grants access to only read data apis on caches
cache: AllCaches, // Built-in value for access to all caches in the account
const topicPermission1 = {
role: TopicRole.PublishSubscribe, // Managed role that grants access to subscribe as well as publish apis
cache: 'walnuts', // Scopes the access to a single cache named 'walnuts'
topic: 'mo_favorites', // Scopes the access to a single topic named 'mo_favorites' within cache 'walnuts'
const topicPermission2 = {
role: TopicRole.SubscribeOnly, // Managed role that grants access to only subscribe api
cache: AllCaches, // Built-in value for all cache(s) in the account.
topic: AllTopics, // Built-in value for access to all topics in the listed cache(s).
const permissions = {
permissions: [cachePermission1, cachePermission2, topicPermission1, topicPermission2],
const multiplePermsTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(permissions, ExpiresIn.minutes(30));
switch (multiplePermsTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated an API key with multiple cache and topic permissions!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${multiplePermsTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refresh token starts with: ${multiplePermsTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${multiplePermsTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with multiple permissions: ${multiplePermsTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${multiplePermsTokenResponse.toString()}`
// Generate a token that allows all data plane APIs on all caches and topics.
resp, err := authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.AllDataReadWrite,
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated an API key with AllDataReadWrite scope!\n")
log.Printf("API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
// Generate a token that can only call read-only data plane APIs on a specific cache foo. No topic apis (publish/subscribe) are allowed.
resp, err = authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.CacheReadOnly(momento.CacheName{Name: "foo"}),
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated an API key with read-only access to cache foo!\n")
log.Printf("API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
// Generate a token that can call all data plane APIs on all caches. No topic apis (publish/subscribe) are allowed.
resp, err = authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.CacheReadWrite(momento.AllCaches{}),
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated an API key with read-write access to all caches!\n")
log.Printf("API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
// Generate a token that can call publish and subscribe on all topics within cache bar
resp, err = authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.TopicPublishSubscribe(momento.CacheName{Name: "bar"}, momento.AllTopics{}),
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated an API key publish-subscribe access to all topics within cache bar!\n")
log.Printf("API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
// Generate a token that can only call subscribe on topic where_is_mo within cache mo_nuts
resp, err = authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.TopicSubscribeOnly(momento.CacheName{Name: "mo_nuts"}, momento.TopicName{Name: "where_is_mo"}),
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated an API key with subscribe-only access to topic where_is_mo within cache mo_nuts!\n")
log.Printf("API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
// Generate a token with multiple permissions
cachePermission1 := momento.CachePermission{
Cache: momento.CacheName{Name: "acorns"}, // Scopes the access to a single cache named 'acorns'
Role: momento.ReadWrite, // Managed role that grants access to read as well as write apis on caches
cachePermission2 := momento.CachePermission{
Cache: momento.AllCaches{}, // Built-in value for access to all caches in the account
Role: momento.ReadOnly, // Managed role that grants access to only read data apis on caches
topicPermission1 := momento.TopicPermission{
Cache: momento.CacheName{Name: "walnuts"}, // Scopes the access to a single cache named 'walnuts'
Topic: momento.TopicName{Name: "mo_favorites"}, // Scopes the access to a single topic named 'mo_favorites' within cache 'walnuts'
Role: momento.PublishSubscribe, // Managed role that grants access to subscribe as well as publish apis
topicPermission2 := momento.TopicPermission{
Cache: momento.AllCaches{}, // Built-in value for all cache(s) in the account.
Topic: momento.AllTopics{}, // Built-in value for access to all topics in the listed cache(s).
Role: momento.SubscribeOnly, // Managed role that grants access to only subscribe api
permissions := []momento.Permission{
cachePermission1, cachePermission2, topicPermission1, topicPermission2,
resp, err = authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.Permissions{
Permissions: permissions,
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated an API key with multiple cache and topic permissions!\n")
log.Printf("API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
Refreshes an existing, unexpired Momento API key. Produces a new API key with the same permissions and expiry duration as the original API key.
- refreshToken - string: The refresh token that was provided when the original API key was generated.
One of the following:
: string - the new auth tokenrefreshToken
: string - a refresh token that can be used with the RefreshApiKey API to refresh a token before it expiresendpoint
: string - the HTTP endpoint the Momento client should use when making requestsexpiresAt
: Timestamp - the timestamp at which the token will expire
- See response objects for specific information.
- JavaScript
- Go
const generateTokenResponse = await authClient.generateApiKey(AllDataReadWrite, ExpiresIn.minutes(30));
let successResponse: GenerateApiKey.Success;
switch (generateTokenResponse.type) {
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Success: {
successResponse = generateTokenResponse;
case GenerateApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey: ${generateTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${generateTokenResponse.toString()}`
console.log('Generated API key; refreshing!');
const refreshAuthClient = new AuthClient({
credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromString({apiKey: successResponse.apiKey}),
const refreshTokenResponse = await refreshAuthClient.refreshApiKey(successResponse.refreshToken);
switch (refreshTokenResponse.type) {
case RefreshApiKeyResponse.Success:
console.log('API key refreshed!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`Refreshed API key starts with: ${refreshTokenResponse.apiKey.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`New refresh token starts with: ${refreshTokenResponse.refreshToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Refreshed API key expires At: ${refreshTokenResponse.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case RefreshApiKeyResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call refreshApiKey: ${refreshTokenResponse.errorCode()}: ${refreshTokenResponse.toString()}`
resp, err := authClient.GenerateApiKey(ctx, &momento.GenerateApiKeyRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInMinutes(30),
Scope: momento.AllDataReadWrite,
if err != nil {
generateApiKeySuccess := resp.(*auth_resp.GenerateApiKeySuccess)
newCredProvider, err := auth.FromString(generateApiKeySuccess.ApiKey)
if err != nil {
refreshAuthClient, err := momento.NewAuthClient(config.AuthDefault(), newCredProvider)
if err != nil {
refreshResp, err := refreshAuthClient.RefreshApiKey(ctx, &momento.RefreshApiKeyRequest{
RefreshToken: generateApiKeySuccess.RefreshToken,
if err != nil {
switch r := refreshResp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.RefreshApiKeySuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully refreshed API key!\n")
log.Printf("Refreshed API key expires at: %d\n", r.ExpiresAt.Epoch())
指定した権限と有効期限を持つ、使い捨ての Momento 認証トークンを生成します。 使い捨てトークンは、通常の Momento 認証トークンとは以下の点で異なります:
- トークンはコンソールで生成することはできず、プログラムによってのみ生成することができます。generateDisposableToken`APIコールに使用する トークンは、Momentoコンソールから生成したスーパーユーザースコープのトークンでなければなりません。
- トークンの有効期限は1時間です。
- リフレッシュはできないので、リフレッシュトークンは付属しません
- パーミッションは DisposableTokenScope オブジェクトで指定します。
- scope - DisposableTokenScope: 新しい使い捨てトークンに付与する権限。SDK は、あらかじめ DisposableTokenScope オブジェクトを用意しています。
- expiresIn - Number | ExpiresIn object: トークンが失効するまでの秒数、または ExpiresIn.minutes() メソッドや ExpiresIn.hours(1) メソッドを呼び出して期間を表す ExpiresIn オブジェクト。使い捨てトークンは1時間以内に失効しなければなりません。
: string - 新しい使い捨て認証トークンendpoint
: string - Momento クライアントがリクエストを行う際に使用する HTTP エンドポイントexpiresAt
: Timestamp - トークンの有効期限が切れるタイムスタンプ
- 詳しくはレスポンスオブジェクトを参照。
- JavaScript
- Java
- Go
- C#
// Generate a disposable token with read-write access to a specific key in one cache
const oneKeyOneCacheToken = await authClient.generateDisposableToken(
DisposableTokenScopes.cacheKeyReadWrite('squirrels', 'mo'),
switch (oneKeyOneCacheToken.type) {
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated a disposable API key with access to the "mo" key in the "squirrels" cache!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${oneKeyOneCacheToken.authToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${oneKeyOneCacheToken.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with disposable token scope: ${oneKeyOneCacheToken.errorCode()}: ${oneKeyOneCacheToken.toString()}`
// Generate a disposable token with read-write access to a specific key prefix in all caches
const keyPrefixAllCachesToken = await authClient.generateDisposableToken(
DisposableTokenScopes.cacheKeyPrefixReadWrite(AllCaches, 'squirrel'),
switch (keyPrefixAllCachesToken.type) {
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated a disposable API key with access to keys prefixed with "squirrel" in all caches!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${keyPrefixAllCachesToken.authToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${keyPrefixAllCachesToken.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with disposable token scope: ${keyPrefixAllCachesToken.errorCode()}: ${keyPrefixAllCachesToken.toString()}`
// Generate a disposable token with read-only access to all topics in one cache
const allTopicsOneCacheToken = await authClient.generateDisposableToken(
TokenScopes.topicSubscribeOnly('squirrel', AllTopics),
switch (allTopicsOneCacheToken.type) {
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated a disposable API key with access to all topics in the "squirrel" cache!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${allTopicsOneCacheToken.authToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${allTopicsOneCacheToken.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with disposable token scope: ${allTopicsOneCacheToken.errorCode()}: ${allTopicsOneCacheToken.toString()}`
// Generate a disposable token with write-only access to a single topic in all caches
const oneTopicAllCachesToken = await authClient.generateDisposableToken(
TokenScopes.topicPublishOnly(AllCaches, 'acorn'),
switch (oneTopicAllCachesToken.type) {
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success:
console.log('Generated a disposable API key with access to all topics in the "squirrel" cache!');
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
console.log(`API key starts with: ${oneTopicAllCachesToken.authToken.substring(0, 10)}`);
console.log(`Expires At: ${oneTopicAllCachesToken.expiresAt.epoch()}`);
case GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call generateApiKey with disposable token scope: ${oneTopicAllCachesToken.errorCode()}: ${oneTopicAllCachesToken.toString()}`
final GenerateDisposableTokenResponse response =
DisposableTokenScopes.cacheKeyReadWrite("squirrel", "mo"), ExpiresIn.minutes(30))
if (response instanceof GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success success) {
System.out.println("Successfully generated the disposable token: " + success.authToken());
} else if (response instanceof GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error error) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"An error occurred while attempting to generate disposable token: "
+ error.getErrorCode(),
tokenId := "a token id"
resp, err := authClient.GenerateDisposableToken(ctx, &momento.GenerateDisposableTokenRequest{
ExpiresIn: utils.ExpiresInSeconds(10),
Scope: momento.TopicSubscribeOnly(
momento.CacheName{Name: "a cache"},
momento.TopicName{Name: "a topic"},
Props: momento.DisposableTokenProps{
TokenId: &tokenId,
if err != nil {
switch r := resp.(type) {
case *auth_resp.GenerateDisposableTokenSuccess:
log.Printf("Successfully generated a disposable token for endpoint=%s with tokenId=%s\n", r.Endpoint, tokenId)
// Generate a disposable token with read-write access to a specific key in one cache
var oneKeyOneCacheToken = await authClient.GenerateDisposableTokenAsync(
DisposableTokenScopes.CacheKeyReadWrite("squirrels", "mo"),
if (oneKeyOneCacheToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success token1)
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
Console.WriteLine("The generated disposable token starts with: " + token1.AuthToken.Substring(0, 10));
Console.WriteLine("The token expires at (epoch timestamp): " + token1.ExpiresAt.Epoch());
else if (oneKeyOneCacheToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error err)
Console.WriteLine("Error generating disposable token: " + err.Message);
// Generate a disposable token with read-write access to a specific key prefix in all caches
var keyPrefixAllCachesToken = await authClient.GenerateDisposableTokenAsync(
DisposableTokenScopes.CacheKeyPrefixReadWrite(CacheSelector.AllCaches, "squirrel"),
if (keyPrefixAllCachesToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success token2)
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
Console.WriteLine("The generated disposable token starts with: " + token2.AuthToken.Substring(0, 10));
Console.WriteLine("The token expires at (epoch timestamp): " + token2.ExpiresAt.Epoch());
else if (keyPrefixAllCachesToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error err)
Console.WriteLine("Error generating disposable token: " + err.Message);
// Generate a disposable token with read-only access to all topics in one cache
var allTopicsOneCacheToken = await authClient.GenerateDisposableTokenAsync(
DisposableTokenScopes.TopicSubscribeOnly("squirrel", TopicSelector.AllTopics),
if (allTopicsOneCacheToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success token3)
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
Console.WriteLine("The generated disposable token starts with: " + token3.AuthToken.Substring(0, 10));
Console.WriteLine("The token expires at (epoch timestamp): " + token3.ExpiresAt.Epoch());
else if (allTopicsOneCacheToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error err)
Console.WriteLine("Error generating disposable token: " + err.Message);
// Generate a disposable token with write-only access to a single topic in all caches
var oneTopicAllCachesToken = await authClient.GenerateDisposableTokenAsync(
DisposableTokenScopes.TopicPublishOnly(CacheSelector.AllCaches, "acorn"),
if (oneTopicAllCachesToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Success token4)
// logging only a substring of the tokens, because logging security credentials is not advisable :)
Console.WriteLine("The generated disposable token starts with: " + token4.AuthToken.Substring(0, 10));
Console.WriteLine("The token expires at (epoch timestamp): " + token4.ExpiresAt.Epoch());
else if (oneTopicAllCachesToken is GenerateDisposableTokenResponse.Error err)
Console.WriteLine("Error generating disposable token: " + err.Message);
PermissionScope objects
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
permissions | List <Permission> | 新しいトークンに付与するパーミッション |
PermissionScopeはパーミッションオブジェクトのリストです。このリストには、CachePermission 型または TopicPermission 型のパーミッションを含めることができ、最大10個 のパーミッションオブジェクトを含めることができます。パーミッションは Momento データプレーン API (get
や set
など) へのア クセスのみを許可する。複数のパーミッションオブジェクトを持つ認証トークンが作成された場合、一致するパーミッションがアクセスを許可します。たとえば、1 つのトークンに 2 つのパーミッションオブジェクトを設定した場合、次のようになります:
- アカウントのすべてのキャッシュへの ReadWrite アクセスを許可するパーミッションオブジェクト
- キャッシュ
に対する ReadOnly アクセスを許可するパーミッションオブジェクト
この場合でも、トークンはキャッシュ foo
に対してデータ操作 API (set
など) を使用することができます。
Permission objects
キャッシュのパーミッションを定義する PermissionScope オブジェクトのコンポーネント
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
role | ReadOnly | ReadWrite | WriteOnly | パーミッションによって許可されたアクセスのタイプ |
cache | AllCaches | CacheName | パーミッションは CacheName オブジェクトまたは AllCaches 組み込みの値を使用して、セレクトキャッシュの名前で制限することができます。 |
を使用すると、CacheSelector で定義されたキャッシュ上のすべての読み取りデータプレーン API (get
など) にアクセスできるようになります。
を使用すると、CacheSelector で定義されたキャッシュ上のすべての読み取りデータプレーン API および書き込みデータプレーン API にアクセスできるようになります。
を使用すると、CacheSelector で定義されたキャッシュのすべての書き込みデータプレーン API にアクセスできるようになります。
のような条件付きの書き込みを意味する API や、ListPushBack
が新しい長さを返すなど、コレクションの更新状態に関する情報を返す API には使用できません。カスタムロールはサポートされていません。
キャッシュの場合、値は組み込みの AllCaches
CachePermission オブジェクトの PermissionScope の例
これは、CachePermissions だけで PermissionScope を作成する例です。
const CachePermissions = {
permissions: [
role: CacheRole.ReadWrite, // Managed role
cache: "MyCache" // grants access to a specific cache
role: CacheRole.ReadOnly, // Managed role
cache: AllCaches // Built-in value for access to all caches in the account.
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
role | SubscribeOnly | PublishSubscribe | PublishOnly | パーミッションによって許可されたアクセスのタイプ。 |
cache | AllCaches | CacheName | パーミッションは CacheName オブジェクトを使用して選択したキャッシュに制限することも、AllCaches 組み込み値を使用してアカウント内のすべてのキャッシュに制限することもできます。 |
topic | AllTopics | TopicName | パーミッションは TopicName オブジェクトを使用して選択したトピックに制限することも、 AllTopics 組み込み値を使用して上記のキャッシュ内のすべてのトピックに制限することもできます。 |
これは組み込みの AllCaches
トピックには、組み込みの AllTopics
これは、cache で定義されているキャッシュ内のすべてのトピックにアクセスできるようにするもので、特定のトピック名を文字列で指定することもできます。
これは、TopicPermissions だけで PermissionScope を作成する例です。
const TopicsPermissions = {
permissions: [
role: TopicRole.PublishSubscribe, // Managed role
cache: 'the-great-wall', // grants access to a specific cache
topic: 'highlights', // grants access to a specific topic
role: TopicRole.SubscribeOnly, // Managed role
cache: AllCaches, // This is a built-in value for access to all caches in the account
topic: AllTopics, // This is a built-in value for access to all topic in the listed cache(s).
DisposableTokenScope objects
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
permissions | List <DisposableTokenCachePermission | Permission> | 新しいトークンに付与するパーミッション |
DisposableTokenScope オブジェクトは、CachePermission、TopicPermission、または DisposableTokenCachePermission タイプのパーミッション・オブジェクトを受け入れます。