What is Momento Cache?
Momento Cache is the world's first truly serverless caching service. It provides instant elasticity, scale-to-zero capability, and blazing-fast performance. Gone are the days where you need to choose, manage, and provision capacity. With Momento Cache, you grab the SDK, you get an end point, input a few lines into your code, and you're off and running.
Getting Started
Quickly get up and running with an SDK example.
Explore our open source SDKs.
Develop with Momento!
API Matrix
Check out our language support matrix!
Serverless Caching
How Momento shines in the serverless ecosystem. Whether it's caching or messaging, we've got your back when it comes to infrastructure management.
Caching strategies
Leverage Momento to cache where and how you'd like!
Wherever you go, we have hand-crafted configurations tailored for your environment!
We scale to zero!
No minimum payment, no underutilized resources. Pay for what you use.