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API reference for Momento Storage

Control APIs

These API methods are used to manage and control stores.

Create store

Creates a store with the provided name


storeNameStringName of the store to be created.
const result = await storageClient.createStore(storeName);
switch (result.type) {
case CreateStoreResponse.AlreadyExists:
console.log(`Store '${storeName}' already exists`);
case CreateStoreResponse.Success:
console.log(`Store '${storeName}' created`);
case CreateStoreResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to create store '${storeName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

Delete store

Deletes a store


storeNameStringName of the store to be deleted.
const result = await storageClient.deleteStore(storeName);
switch (result.type) {
case DeleteStoreResponse.Success:
console.log(`Store '${storeName}' deleted`);
case DeleteStoreResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to delete store '${storeName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

List stores

Lists all stores

const result = await storageClient.listStores();
switch (result.type) {
case ListStoresResponse.Success:
.map(c => c.getName())
case ListStoresResponse.Error:
throw new Error(`An error occurred while attempting to list stores: ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`);

Data APIs

These API methods are used to directly interact with data in a store.


Puts a value into the store. If a value for this key is already present it will be replaced by the new value.

storeNameStringName of the store.
keyStringThe key under which the value is to be added.
valueString / Bytes / Integer / DoubleThe value to be stored.
// to store a string value:
const result = await storageClient.putString(storeName, 'test-key', 'test-value');
switch (result.type) {
case StoragePutResponse.Success:
console.log("Key 'test-key' stored successfully");
case StoragePutResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to store key 'test-key' in store '${storeName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

// Momento storage also supports these other data types:
await storageClient.putInt(storeName, 'test-key', 42);
await storageClient.putDouble(storeName, 'test-key', 3.14);
await storageClient.putBytes(storeName, 'test-key', Buffer.from('test-value'));


Get the value stored for the given key.

storeNameStringName of the store.
keyStringThe key whose value is to be retrieved.
const getResponse = await storageClient.get(storeName, 'test-key');
// simplified style; assume the value was found, and that it was a string
console.log(`string hit: ${getResponse.value()!.string()!}`);

// if the value was an integer:
const integerGetResponse = await storageClient.get(storeName, 'test-integer-key');
console.log(`integer hit: ${integerGetResponse.value()!.int()!}`);

// pattern-matching style; safer for production code
switch (getResponse.type) {
case StorageGetResponse.Found:
// if you know the value is a string:
console.log(`Retrieved value for key 'test-key': ${getResponse.value().string()!}`);
case StorageGetResponse.NotFound:
console.log(`Key 'test-key' was not found in store '${storeName}'`);
case StorageGetResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to get key 'test-key' from store '${storeName}': ${getResponse.errorCode()}: ${getResponse.toString()}`


Delete the value stored for the given key.

storeNameStringName of the store.
keyStringThe key whose value is to be deleted.
const result = await storageClient.delete(storeName, 'test-key');
switch (result.type) {
case StorageDeleteResponse.Success:
console.log("Key 'test-key' deleted successfully");
case StorageDeleteResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to delete key 'test-key' from store '${storeName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`

Current status of API support in SDKs

For the current status of API support in various SDK languages, see the language support page.