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Add and retrieve a file with Momento Cache

An item in Momento Cache is a byte array, so a cache can easily store most any file you want to create, as long as it is under the per item limit of 1MB.

Here is an example of reading a file from the filesystem, saving the file to an item in a cache, reading it from the cache, and then writing it to the filesystem.

const fs = require('fs');
const { CacheClient, CacheGet, CacheSet, Configurations, CredentialProvider } = require('@gomomento/sdk');
const dotenv = require('dotenv');


const filePath = './myfile.json';
const fileName = 'myfile';
const CACHE_NAME = 'test-cache';

// Read a file from the filesystem
async function readFile(filePath) {
try {
const data = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
return new Uint8Array(data);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error reading file: ${error}`);
return null;

// Creates the Momento cache client object
async function createCacheClient() {
return CacheClient.create({
configuration: Configurations.Laptop.v1(),
credentialProvider: CredentialProvider.fromEnvironmentVariable({
environmentVariableName: 'MOMENTO_API_KEY',
defaultTtlSeconds: 600,

async function writeToCache(client, cacheName, key, data) {
const setResponse = await client.set(cacheName, key, data);
if (setResponse instanceof CacheSet.Success) {
console.log('Key stored successfully!');
} else if (setResponse instanceof CacheSet.Error) {
console.log(`Error setting key: ${setResponse.toString()}`);
} else {
console.log(`Some other error: ${setResponse.toString()}`);

async function readFromCache(client, cacheName, key) {
const fileResponse = await client.get(cacheName, key);
if (fileResponse instanceof CacheGet.Hit) {
console.log(`cache hit: ${fileResponse.valueString()}`);
const contents = fileResponse.valueUint8Array();
const buffer = Buffer.from(contents);
fs.writeFileSync("./myfile2.json", buffer);
} else if (fileResponse instanceof CacheGet.Miss) {
console.log('cache miss');
} else if (fileResponse instanceof CacheGet.Error) {
console.log(`Error: ${fileResponse.message()}`);

async function run() {
const byteArray = await readFile(filePath);
if (byteArray === null) {

const cacheClient = await createCacheClient();

await writeToCache(cacheClient, CACHE_NAME, fileName, byteArray);
await readFromCache(cacheClient, CACHE_NAME, fileName);


Check our Node.js Cache guide for more on using our Node.js SDK.