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Integrating Momento with your Cloudflare worker

Cloudflare Workers is a popular platform for deploying and running serverless code.

In this tutorial, we'll make use of two examples from our JavaScript SDK. By the end of the exercise, you'll have a Cloudflare worker that interacts with Momento Cache to populate and retrieve data.


To get this app deployed and running, you'll need to have the following available:

Once you have a Cloudflare account and a copy or fork of the Momento JavaScript SDK in your Git provider account, you're ready to configure the Momento side of things using the Momento console. You can create an account in the console by providing your email address or linking an existing Google or GitHub account. Once you've logged into the console, click the Create Cache button on the top right of the page:

Create Cache button

Create a cache called worker. You can create the cache in your choice of cloud provider, AWS or GCP, and in any region.

Create cache form

After pressing the Create button you'll see the new worker cache in the list of available caches.

Chat cache

Notice the region you created your cache in is also displayed in the list of caches. You'll need to make sure that you choose the same region when generating a Momento authentication token in the next step. Navigate to the tokens page, and choose the cloud provider and region you used to create your cache. Since the cache is already created, we will use a fine-grained token that will allow the worker to read from and write to the cache; but will not allow it to do control plane operations such as delete. This is especially helpful if you want to manage the security of control plane and data plane operations separately.

Choose the Fine-Grained Access Token token type, select worker as Cache Name from the drop down, and readwrite as Role Type. The Super User Token is used for managing control plane operations. More information about Momento authentication can be found here. Hit the Generate API Key button.

Generate token

Copy the API Key and HTTP Endpoint and save it in a safe place. You'll need to use it later to configure your Worker deployment, where you will add it as an environment variable for use in the worker.

Generated token

Deploying with Cloudflare

Now it's time to configure and deploy the application to your Cloudflare account. As noted before, you need a copy of the Momento JavaScript SDK available in your repository. In this example, we'll deploy from a GitHub repository forked from the original.

Fork SDK Repository

This repository contains a directory under examples for cloudflare-workers. It further contains subdirectories for two types of example projects to use Momento inside a Cloudflare worker:

  • HTTP-API - How to interact with Momento cache using its HTTP API on Cloudflare workers.
  • Web-SDK - How to interact with Momento cache using its Web SDK on Cloudflare workers.

There are a few reasons why you might choose one over the other when interacting with Momento within a Cloudflare Worker.

  • The HTTP APIs is lighter-weight; you don't need to add any dependencies, you can just use the standard fetch HTTP client methods. However, it only provides a basic subset of all of the Momento APIs, such as get, set, and delete.

  • The Web SDK is heavier-weight; you need to add a dependency on the SDK. However, it supports the full Momento API (including collections like Dictionaries and SortedSets, plus the ability to publish to Momento Topics). It also has a complete TypeScript/JavaScript API that makes it simpler to write code to interact with Momento. This can save you time and effort when developing your Worker.

Cloudflare uses a file called wrangler.toml to configure the development and publishing of a worker. More information about Cloudflare configuration can be found on their website.

Using the Momento HTTP API

First let's navigate to the relevant example directory to use Momento's HTTP API in a Cloudflare worker.

cd examples/cloudflare-workers/http-api

Update the wrangler.toml file in this directory with the cache name worker and the HTTP endpoint we copied before as they appeared in the Momento console.

name = "momento-cloudflare-worker-http"
main = "src/worker.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-07-10"


Update the .dev.vars file in the example directory with the Momento API Key. Since this is a secret token, we don’t store it as an environment variable, instead storing it as a Cloudflare secret.

MOMENTO_API_KEY="<your token here>"

Start the development server:

npm run start

Open your browser to localhost:8787. The code in this example sets an item in the cache, gets it, and returns it as a JSON object:

    // setting a value into cache
const setResp = await client.set(cache, key, value);
console.log("setResp", setResp);

// getting a value from cache
const getResp = await client.get(cache, key)
console.log("getResp", getResp);

return new Response(JSON.stringify({ response: getResp }));

A deployed example can be found here.

If you would like to deploy this example to your own Cloudflare worker, make sure you add the MOMENTO_API_KEY as a secret inside of your Cloudflare account:

npx wrangler secret put MOMENTO_API_KEY
> Enter a secret value: **************************
> 🌀 Creating the secret for the Worker "momento-cloudflare-worker-http"
> ✨ Success! Uploaded secret MOMENTO_API_KEY

Then you can run npm run deploy. You will be prompted for a Cloudflare login before deploying to your Cloudflare account.

> shy-bush-898e@0.0.0 deploy
> wrangler deploy

⛅️ wrangler 3.2.0 (update available 3.5.0)
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
- MOMENTO_REST_ENDPOINT: "https://api.cache.cell-4-us-west-2-1...."
Total Upload: 2.04 KiB / gzip: 0.69 KiB
Uploaded momento-cloudflare-worker-http (1.44 sec)
Published momento-cloudflare-worker-http (0.40 sec)

Using the Momento Web SDK

First let's navigate to the relevant example directory to use Momento's Web SDK in a Cloudflare worker.

cd examples/cloudflare-workers/web-sdk

Update the wrangler.toml file in this directory with the cache name worker. Note that we do not need the HTTP endpoint anymore as the Web SDK manages that for us.

name = "momento-cloudflare-worker-http"
main = "src/worker.ts"
compatibility_date = "2023-07-10"


Update the .dev.vars file in the example directory with the Momento API Key. Since this is a secret token, we don’t store it as an environment variable, instead storing it as a Cloudflare secret.

MOMENTO_API_KEY="<your token here>"

Start the development server:

npm run start

Open your browser to localhost:8787. The code in this example sets an item in the cache, gets it, and returns it as a JSON object:

    // setting a value into cache
await client.set(cache, key, value);

// getting a value from cache
const getResponse = await client.get(cache, key)

return new Response(JSON.stringify({ response: getResponse.toString() }));

A deployed example can be found here.

If you would like to deploy this example to your own Cloudflare worker, make sure you add the MOMENTO_API_KEY as a secret inside of your Cloudflare account:

npx wrangler secret put MOMENTO_API_KEY
> Enter a secret value: **************************
> 🌀 Creating the secret for the Worker "momento-cloudflare-worker-http"
> ✨ Success! Uploaded secret MOMENTO_API_KEY

Then you can run npm run deploy. You will be prompted for a Cloudflare login before deploying to your Cloudflare account.

> shy-bush-898e@0.0.0 deploy
> wrangler deploy

⛅️ wrangler 3.2.0 (update available 3.5.0)
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Vars:
Total Upload: 1673.43 KiB / gzip: 168.75 KiB
Uploaded momento-cloudflare-worker-web (2.46 sec)
Published momento-cloudflare-worker-web (0.30 sec)


We hope this quick tutorial has given you an idea of how simple and straightforward it is to deploy a Momento-powered application with Cloudflare Workers. Feel free, of course, to dive into the code for the examples as well. We hope you'll also enjoy the simplicity of Momento Cache, as you don't have to manage and provision any infrastructure to get up and running.