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HTTP API Reference for Momento Cache

Momento provides an HTTP API interface for your applications that can’t use our SDKs or for ones that prefer to use things like curl or fetch. For example, when deploying to edge compute services like Cloudflare Workers, Fastly Compute@Edge, etm. this API is for you. Be aware that most other applications should likely use Momento’s SDK clients.

You can also view the Open API Specification in our public workspace in Postman.


This documentation does not describe how to implement HTTP request syntax as that is different and unique to each language you might use.


For each connection, you will need a Momento auth token generated via the Momento console or a token "vending machine" microservice you host. Momento auth tokens control access to the Momento services and can be set to expire and grant/restrict access to specific resources.


To access the Momento HTTP API, use one of the following endpoints in the region of your API token and cache. If you do not see a region you require, let’s discuss. Please contact support.

AWS RegionEndpoints

Get Value

Gets a scalar value from a cache.


  • Path: /cache/{cacheName}
  • HTTP Method: GET

Path Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?TypeDescription
cacheNameyesURL-safe stringThe name of the cache to operate on.

Query Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?TypeDescription
keyno**URL-safe stringThe key to retrieve from the cache.
key_base64no**Base64 URL-encoded binary keyThe key to retrieve from the cache.
tokenno***URL-safe stringThe Momento auth token, in string format, to be used for authentication/authorization of the request.

** You must specify a key to be accessed in the cache. This may be either the key query parameter, which allows a URL-safe string, or the key_base64 parameter, which allows a Base64 URL-encoded key.

*** You must provide a Momento auth token to be used for authentication/authorization of the request. This may be passed either as the token query parameter or as the Authorization header.


Header nameRequired?TypeDescription
Authorizationno***URL-safe stringThe Momento auth token, in string format, is used for authentication/authorization of the request.

*** You must provide a Momento auth token to be used for authentication/authorization of the request. This may be passed either as the token query parameter or as the Authorization header.



Status Code: 200 OK

  • Content-Type: octet-stream
  • Body: The binary value stored at the specified key.


Status Code: 404 Not Found

  • "Key Not Found" indicates that the key was not present in the cache, while "Cache Not Found" indicates that the specified cache does not exist.


Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  • This error type typically indicates that the request was incorrectly specified. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

  • This error type typically indicates that the Momento auth token passed in is either invalid or expired. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  • This error type typically indicates the Momento auth token passed in does not grant the required access to the resources you attempted. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 429 Too Many Requests

  • This error type typically indicates that account limits were exceeded. See the body of the message for further details, or contact Momento support to request a limit increase.

Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

  • This error type typically indicates that the service is experiencing issues. Contact Momento support for further assistance.

Set Value

Sets a scalar value in a cache.


  • Path: /cache/{cacheName}
  • HTTP Method: PUT


  • Content-Type: octet-stream
  • The body of the request should contain the binary value to be stored in the cache at the specified key.

Path Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?TypeDescription
cacheNameyesURL-safe stringThe name of the cache to operate on.

Query Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?TypeDescription
keyno**URL-safe stringThe key to retrieve from the cache.
key_base64no**Base64 URL-encoded binary keyThe key to retrieve from the cache.
tokenno***URL-safe stringThe Momento auth token, in string format, to be used for authentication/authorization of the request.
ttl_secondsyesIntegerThe TTL to be set on the key, in seconds. For more on TTL, see Expire Data with Time-to-Live.

** You must specify a key to be accessed in the cache. This may be either the key query parameter, which allows a URL-safe string, or the key_base64 parameter, which allows a Base64 URL-encoded key.

*** You must provide a Momento auth token to be used for authentication/authorization of the request. This may be passed either as the token query parameter or as the Authorization header.


Header nameRequired?TypeDescription
Authorizationno***URL-safe stringThe Momento auth token, in string format, is used for authentication/authorization of the request.

*** You must provide a Momento auth token to be used for authentication/authorization of the request. This may be passed either as the token query parameter or as the Authorization header.



Status Code: 204 No Content

  • The key-value pair was stored in the cache, but no content was returned (by design).


Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  • This error type typically indicates that the request was incorrectly specified. See the message body for further details.

Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

  • This error type typically indicates that the Momento auth token passed in is either invalid or expired. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  • This error type typically indicates the Momento auth token passed in does not grant the required access to the resources you attempted. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 404 Not Found

  • “Cache Not Found” indicates that the specified cache does not exist.

Status Code: 429 Too Many Requests

  • This error type typically indicates that account limits were exceeded. See the message body for further details, or contact Momento support to request a limit increase.

Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

  • This error type typically indicates that the service is experiencing issues. Contact Momento support for further assistance.

Delete Value

Deletes a scalar value from a cache.


  • Path: /cache/{cacheName}
  • HTTP Method: DELETE

Path Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?TypeDescription
cacheNameyesURL-safe stringThe name of the cache to operate on.

Query Parameters

Parameter nameRequired?TypeDescription
keyno**URL-safe stringThe key to retrieve from the cache.
key_base64no**Base64 URL-encoded binary keyThe key to retrieve from the cache.
tokenno***URL-safe stringThe Momento auth token, in string format, to be used for authentication/authorization of the request.

** You must specify a key to be accessed in the cache. This may be either the key query parameter, which allows a URL-safe string, or the key_base64 parameter, which allows a Base64 URL-encoded key.

*** You must provide a Momento auth token to be used for authentication/authorization of the request. This may be passed either as the token query parameter or as the Authorization header.


Header nameRequired?TypeDescription
Authorizationno***URL-safe stringThe Momento auth token, in string format, is used for authentication/authorization of the request.

*** You must provide a Momento auth token to be used for authentication/authorization of the request. This may be passed either as the token query parameter or as the Authorization header.



Status Code: 204 No Content

  • The key-value pair was stored in the cache, but no content was returned (by design).


Status Code: 400 Bad Request

  • This error type typically indicates that the request was incorrectly specified. See the message body for further details.

Status Code: 401 Unauthorized

  • This error type typically indicates that the Momento auth token passed in is either invalid or expired. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 403 Forbidden

  • This error type typically indicates the Momento auth token passed in does not grant the required access to the resources you attempted. See the body of the message for further details.

Status Code: 404 Not Found

  • “Cache Not Found” indicates that the specified cache does not exist.

Status Code: 429 Too Many Requests

  • This error type typically indicates that account limits were exceeded. See the message body for further details, or contact Momento support to request a limit increase.

Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

  • This error type typically indicates that the service is experiencing issues. Contact Momento support for further assistance.



Below is an example of a curl command that sets an item with a key of example_key and value of example value in the default-cache cache in the ap-south-1 region:

URL-safe Key, token provided in query parameter:

curl -X PUT -d 'example value' "<token>"

Base64 Key, token as Authorization header: curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: <token>" -d 'example value' ""


Below is an example of a curl command that gets an item with a key of example_key in the default-cache cache in the eu-west-1 region:

URL-safe key, token provided in query parameter

curl "<token>"

Base64 Key, token provided as Authorization header:

curl -H "Authorization: <token>" ""


Below is an example of a curl command that deletes an item with a key of example_key in the default-cache cache in the us-west-2 region:

URL-safe key, token provided in query parameter:

curl -X DELETE "<token>"

Base64 Key, token provided as Authorization header:

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: <token>" ""