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Set API reference for Momento Cache

A set is a collection of elements, but each element can appear only once and order is not guaranteed.


Momento collection types use a CollectionTTL to specify their TTL behavior. This is an optional argument for all "write" operations.

Example: if your set contains [1, 2, 3] and you add 2, the set remains [1, 2, 3].

See Sets for more information on their usage.

Set methods


Adds an element to a set. If the set item does not already exist, this method will create one.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item to be altered.
elementString | BytesElement to be added by this operation.
ttlCollectionTTL objectTTL for the set item in cache. This TTL takes precedence over the TTL used when initializing a cache connection client.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

const result = await cacheClient.setAddElement(cacheName, 'test-set', 'test-element');
switch (result.type) {
case CacheSetAddElementResponse.Success:
console.log("Element added successfully to set 'test-set'");
case CacheSetAddElementResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheSetAddElement on set 'test-set' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Adds multiple elements to a set item. If the set item does not already exist, this method will create one.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item to be altered.
elementsString[] | Bytes[]Elements to be added by this operation.
ttlCollectionTTL objectTTL for the set item in cache. This TTL takes precedence over the TTL used when initializing a cache connection client.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

const result = await cacheClient.setAddElements(cacheName, 'test-set', ['test-element1', 'test-element2']);
switch (result.type) {
case CacheSetAddElementsResponse.Success:
console.log("Elements added successfully to set 'test-set'");
case CacheSetAddElementsResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheSetAddElements on set 'test-set' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Gets a set item from a cache.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringThe name of the set item to be retrieved.
Method response object

The response object for SetFetch returns three possible options, a cache hit, miss, or an error.

  • Hit
    • valueSetBytes(): Bytes[]
    • valueSetString(): String[]
    • toString(): String
  • Miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.setAddElements(cacheName, 'test-set', ['test-element1', 'test-element2']);
const result = await cacheClient.setFetch(cacheName, 'test-set');

// simplified style; assume the value was found
console.log(`Set fetched: ${result.value()!}`);

// pattern-matching style; safer for production code
switch (result.type) {
case CacheSetFetchResponse.Hit:
console.log('Set fetched successfully- ');
result.value().forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(`${key} : ${value}`);
case CacheSetFetchResponse.Miss:
console.log(`Set 'test-set' was not found in cache '${cacheName}'`);
case CacheSetFetchResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheSetFetch on set 'test-set' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Gets a random sampling of elements from a set item in a cache.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringThe name of the set item to sample.
limitNumberThe maximum number of elements to be retrieved.
Method response object

The response object for SetSample returns three possible options, a cache hit, miss, or an error.

  • Hit
    • valueSetBytes(): Bytes[]
    • valueSetString(): String[]
    • toString(): String
  • Miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.setAddElements(cacheName, 'test-set', ['test-element1', 'test-element2', 'test-element3']);
const result = await cacheClient.setSample(cacheName, 'test-set', 2);

// simplified style; assume the value was found
console.log(`Sampled 2 elements from set: ${result.value()!}`);

// pattern-matching style; safer for production code
switch (result.type) {
case CacheSetSampleResponse.Hit:
console.log('Sample of 2 elements from set: ');
result.valueSet().forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(`${key} : ${value}`);
case CacheSetSampleResponse.Miss:
console.log(`Set 'test-set' was not found in cache '${cacheName}'`);
case CacheSetSampleResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheSetSample on set 'test-set' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Removes a single element from an existing set item. If the set is emptied as a result, the item is deleted.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item to be altered.
elementString | BytesElement to be removed by this operation.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.setAddElement(cacheName, 'test-set', 'test-element');
const result = await cacheClient.setRemoveElement(cacheName, 'test-set', 'test-element');
switch (result.type) {
case CacheSetRemoveElementResponse.Success:
console.log("Element 'test-element' removed successfully from set 'test-set'");
case CacheSetRemoveElementResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheSetRemoveElement on set 'test-set' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Removes multiple elements from an existing set item. If the set is emptied as a result, the item is deleted.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item to be altered.
elementString[] | Bytes[]Elements to be removed by this operation.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.setAddElements(cacheName, 'test-set', ['test-element1', 'test-element2']);
const result = await cacheClient.setRemoveElements(cacheName, 'test-set', ['test-element1', 'test-element2']);
switch (result.type) {
case CacheSetRemoveElementsResponse.Success:
console.log("Elements 'test-element1' and 'test-element2' removed successfully from set 'test-set'");
case CacheSetRemoveElementsResponse.Error:
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheSetRemoveElements on set 'test-set' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Checks if a provided element is in the given set.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item.
elementString | BytesName of the element to check existence of.
Method response object

The response object for SetContainsElement returns three possible options, a cache hit, miss, or an error.

  • Hit
    • containsElement(): bool
  • Miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.


Checks if provided elements are in the given set.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item.
elementsString[] | Bytes[]Array of element names to check existence of.
Method response object

The response object for SetContainsElements returns three possible options, a cache hit, miss, or an error.

  • Hit
    • containsElements(): bool[]
  • Miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.


Get the length of an existing set item

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
setNameStringName of the set item to be checked.
Method response object
  • Hit
    • length(): Number
  • Miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.