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Dictionary API reference for Momento Cache

This page details the Momento API methods for the dictionary collection data type.


Momento collection types use a CollectionTTL to specify their TTL behavior. This is an optional argument for all "write" operations.

Dictionary methods


Gets a dictionary item from a cache.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringThe name of the dictionary item to be retrieved.
Method response object

The response object for DictionaryFetch returns three possible options, a cache hit, miss, or an error.

  • Cache hit
    • valueDictionaryBytesBytes(): Map<Bytes, Bytes>
    • valueDictionaryStringString(): Map<String, String>
    • valueDictionaryStringBytes(): Map<String, Bytes>
    • valueDictionaryBytesString(): Map<Bytes, String>
    • toString(): String - displays the field/value pairs, truncated.
  • Cache miss
  • Cache error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.dictionarySetField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field', 'test-value');
const result = await cacheClient.dictionaryFetch(cacheName, 'test-dictionary');
if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryFetch.Hit) {
console.log('Dictionary fetched successfully- ');
result.valueMapStringString().forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(`${key} : ${value}`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryFetch.Miss) {
console.log(`Dictionary 'test-dictionary' was not found in cache '${cacheName}'`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryFetch.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionaryFetch on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Get one field from a dictionary item in the cache.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be retrieved.
fieldString/BytesName of the field in the dictionary item to be retrieved.
Method response object
  • Cache hit

    • fieldString(): String

    • fieldBytes(): Bytes

    • valueString(): String

    • valueBytes(): Bytes

      These return the field and its value from the dictionary.

  • Cache miss

    • fieldString(): String
    • fieldBytes(): Bytes
  • Cache error

    • fieldString(): String
    • fieldBytes(): Bytes

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.dictionarySetField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field', 'test-value');
const result = await cacheClient.dictionaryGetField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field');
if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryGetField.Hit) {
`Field ${result.fieldString()} fetched successfully from cache '${cacheName}' with value: ${result.valueString()}`
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryGetField.Miss) {
console.log(`Dictionary 'test-dictionary' was not found in cache '${cacheName}'`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryGetField.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionaryGetField on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Get one or more fields from a dictionary in the cache.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be retrieved.
fieldsString[]/Bytes[]Name of the field in the dictionary item to be retrieved.
Method response object
  • Cache hit
    • valueDictionaryBytesBytes(): Map<Bytes, Bytes>
    • valueDictionaryStringString(): Map<String, String>
    • valueDictionaryStringBytes(): Map<String, Bytes>
    • valueDictionaryBytesString(): Map<Bytes, String>
    • toString(): String - displays truncated valueDictionaryStringString()
  • Cache miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.dictionarySetFields(
new Map<string, string>([
['key1', 'value1'],
['key2', 'value2'],
const result = await cacheClient.dictionaryGetFields(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', ['key1', 'key2']);
if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryGetFields.Hit) {
console.log('Values fetched successfully- ');
result.valueMapStringString().forEach((value, key) => {
console.log(`${key} : ${value}`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryGetFields.Miss) {
console.log(`Dictionary 'test-dictionary' was not found in cache '${cacheName}'`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryGetFields.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionaryGetFields on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Adds to the value of a field, if and only if the existing value is a UTF-8 string representing a base 10 integer. If the field is missing from the dictionary, this method sets the field's value to the amount to increment by.


The resulting incremented value must be between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807, ie. a signed 64-bit integer. If not, there will be an error response.


  • When the field does not exist, dictionaryIncrement(cache, dict, field, 10) will set the field's value to 10.
  • When the field = 5, dictionaryIncrement(cache, dict, field, 10) will set the field's value to 15.
  • When the field = ‘five’, it will respond with a FailedPreconditionException error.
cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be retrieved.
fieldString/BytesName of the field in the dictionary item to be retrieved.
amountIntegerThe quantity to add to the value. May be positive, negative, or zero. Defaults to 1.
ttlCollectionTTL objectThis will come back as a TTL construct.
Method response object
  • Success
    • value(): integer - the new value after incrementing
    • toString(): String - displays the value()
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.dictionarySetField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field', '10');
const result = await cacheClient.dictionaryIncrement(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field', 1);
if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryIncrement.Success) {
console.log(`Field value incremented by 1. Result - ${result.valueNumber()}`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryIncrement.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionaryIncrement on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Removes a field from a dictionary item.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be retrieved.
fieldString/BytesName of the field in the dictionary item to be retrieved.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.dictionarySetField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field', '10');
const result = await cacheClient.dictionaryRemoveField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field');
if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryRemoveField.Success) {
console.log("Field removed successfully from dictionary 'test-dictionary'");
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryRemoveField.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionaryRemoveField on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Removes multiple fields from a dictionary item.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be retrieved.
fieldsString[]/Bytes[]Name of the field in the dictionary item to be retrieved.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

await cacheClient.dictionarySetFields(
new Map<string, string>([
['key1', 'value1'],
['key2', 'value2'],
const result = await cacheClient.dictionaryRemoveFields(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', ['key1', 'key2']);
if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryRemoveFields.Success) {
console.log("Fields removed successfully from dictionary 'test-dictionary'");
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionaryRemoveFields.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionaryRemoveFields on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Sets a field:value pair in an existing dictionary item. If the dictionary item does not exist, it is created with the new field:value pair.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be set.
fieldString/BytesName of the field in the dictionary item to be set.
valueString/BytesValue for the field to be set.
ttlCollectionTTL objectTTL for the dictionary item in cache. This TTL takes precedence over the TTL used when initializing a cache client.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

const result = await cacheClient.dictionarySetField(cacheName, 'test-dictionary', 'test-field', 'test-value');
if (result instanceof CacheDictionarySetField.Success) {
console.log(`Field set successfully into cache '${cacheName}'`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionarySetField.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionarySetField on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Sets several field:value pairs in a dictionary item. If the dictionary item does not exist, it is created with the new fields.

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be set.
fieldsString[]/Bytes[]Field:value pair to be added to the dictionary item by the set operation.
ttlCollectionTTL objectTTL for the dictionary item in cache. This TTL takes precedence over the TTL used when initializing a cache client.
Method response object
  • Success
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.

const result = await cacheClient.dictionarySetFields(
new Map<string, string>([
['key1', 'value1'],
['key2', 'value2'],
if (result instanceof CacheDictionarySetFields.Success) {
console.log(`Fields set successfully into cache '${cacheName}'`);
} else if (result instanceof CacheDictionarySetFields.Error) {
throw new Error(
`An error occurred while attempting to call cacheDictionarySetFields on dictionary 'test-dictionary' in cache '${cacheName}': ${result.errorCode()}: ${result.toString()}`


Get the length of an existing dictionary item

cacheNameStringName of the cache.
dictionaryNameStringName of the dictionary item to be checked.
Method response object
  • Hit
    • length(): Number
  • Miss
  • Error

See response objects for specific information.