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CollectionTTL object API reference

The CollectionTtl type is used when performing write operations on a collection.

Sometimes, when you update a collection, you want to refresh the TTL. Other times you want to keep the TTL the same. The CollectionTtl parameter allows you to specify this behavior.

The default behavior is that the collection TTL is reset whenever a write operation occurs. You cannot provide a CollectionTTL object when performing a read operation like dictionaryFetch or listLength.

See Expire Data with TTL for more information on how TTL works with Momento Cache.


The CollectionTTL specifies the TTL for the entire collection, not for setting the TTL of individual elements within a collection. The elements within will not expire if the collection does not expire.

Compatible data types

The CollectionTTL object is compatible with the following collection data types when performing write operations:

As the image below illustrates, collections are considered items that may contain elements.

Collection data types drawing | Momento Cache

Default Behavior

  • The CollectionTtl parameter is optional for all collection write operations.
  • If a CollectionTTL is not specified, a default value of CollectionTtl.fromCacheTtl() will be used. This value is the default TTL configured on the cache client.
  • The TTL for the collection will be refreshed any time the collection is modified.


If you need a behavior other than the default, you can provide a CollectionTtl object for any collection write operation.

To specify an explicit TTL to refresh the collection to on a write operation, you can use CollectionTtl.of():

CollectionTtl.of(20 * 60); // 20 minutes

This is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling the constructor directly:

const ttlSeconds = 20 * 60; // 20 minutes
const refreshTtl = true;
new CollectionTtl(ttlSeconds, refreshTtl);

If you want to specify a TTL that is only set when the collection is created, but not refreshed on subsequent writes, you can use withNoRefreshTtlOnUpdates():

CollectionTtl.of(20 * 60).withNoRefreshTtlOnUpdates(); // 20 minutes, only when collection is created

This is also a convenience method that is equivalent to calling the constructor directly:

const ttlSeconds = 20 * 60; // 20 minutes
const refreshTtl = false;
new CollectionTtl(ttlSeconds, refreshTtl);

Constructor parameters

  • ttl: duration - (optional)
    • If no TTL is given, the TTL set in the current client connection object is used.
  • refreshTtl: boolean = true
    • If set to true, the collection’s TTL will be reset to the provided value.
    • If set to false, the existing TTL set on the collection is retained.

Additional constructors

  • fromCacheTtl(): CollectionTtl - uses the client’s TTL, equivalent to CollectionTtl(null, true)
  • of(ttl: duration): CollectionTtl - equivalent to CollectionTtl(ttl, true)
  • refreshTtlIfProvided(ttl?: duration): CollectionTtl - if a value is provided, it will refresh the collection's TTL. If no value is provided, it will not refresh the TTL.

Instance methods

  • ttlSeconds(): duration - Returns the TTL in seconds
  • ttlMilliseconds(): duration - Returns the TTL in milliseconds
  • refreshTtl(): boolean - Sets if the TTL should be refreshed when the item is modified
  • withRefreshTtlOnUpdates(): CollectionTtl - a copy, but refresh is true
  • withNoRefreshTtlOnUpdates(): CollectionTtl - a copy, but refresh is false
  • toString(): displays the TTL in seconds and the refreshTtl configuration